Root Canal Therapy

When decay and infection extend to the nerve of the tooth, patients experience pain which increases with cold and sweet foods. Root canal treatment removes infected or damaged tissue from inside a tooth treating the infected pulp tissue in the tooth.

1) What is root canal treatment?

A Root canal is a procedure where we try to save and repair an infected tooth or a damaged tooth by cleaning the tooth thoroughly, the infected tissue or pulp is removed and then the tooth is completely disinfected from inside.

Once the tooth is disinfected and there is no sign of pain or pus then we fill the tooth with a material flowing through the canals and covering the crown portion of the tooth.

This procedure is always done under local anesthesia so that the patient has no pain during the procedure.

With this treatment, an extensively decayed tooth can be saved and brought in function.


2) What happens during your treatment?

We will:

  • Numb the whole area with a local anaesthetic so that you won’t feel any pain.
  • Following this remove the infected or damaged tissue inside the tooth.
  • Clean and disinfect the area.
  • Fill and seal the space using advanced materials.
  • A dental crown is then fitted to ensure the tooth has full functionality within your mouth.

This procedure can save a tooth that would otherwise have to be extracted. We make sure the procedure is painless and you are extremely comfortable.

3) How do you know if you need a root canal?

  • Sensitivity to hot or cold food or drinks
  • Pain when biting or chewing
  • Severe toothache
  • Swelling of the gum near the affected tooth or presence of an abscess (or pimple) on the gums
  • Oozing from the affected tooth
  • Facial swelling
  • Sometimes there may be no symptoms present

4) Is Root Canal Treatment Painful?

No. You feel nothing once you are numbed with the local anaesthesia

Multiple root canals can be done in the same sitting, with our latest techniques.

We have Endo motor- Xsmart, Apex locator- Root ZX and Dental Loupes, which are the latest equipment available to carry out root canals.

We also have a digital x-ray facility (RVG by Kodak) which shows the quality of the bone, teeth and lesions. The best part of this x- ray is that it is very comfortable to shoot immediate and multiple x-rays during root canal treatment so that the procedure is faster and more accurate. So if you are afraid of the term “Root Canal” you know where to head for painless treatment.

We use dental loupes which are like microscopes, it magnifies the structure inside the tooth by 3.5 x. So the accuracy of the treatment is high


5) How many visits do you need to make to the dentist?

We make sure the procedure is painless and you are extremely comfortable. Root canal treatment normally needs one to two visits. The number of appointments depends upon the pain and infection in the tooth. Dr Jayshree will assess the condition of the tooth and then make a decision. It is better sometimes to give the body a little time to heal rather than finishing things in 1 appointment. Each appointment takes 30-45 minutes.

6) What is the cost of Root canal treatment

  • The cost of a root canal treatment in Mumbai, usually starts from 6000 onwards
  • This covers the root canal treatment and filling for that particular tooth
  • Factors affecting the cost of root canal are the tooth involved, Complexity of the case, History 9f root canal done, infection of the tooth, swelling etc

7) Precautions to be taken post root canal treatment?

  • Patients are usually advised not to eat anything till the anaesthesia wears off so that they don't bite their lip tongue or chew incorrectly due to temporary lost sensation leading to complications.
  • Patients are advised to take their medicines as prescribed.
  • Otherwise they can follow all their normal routine stress- free.

Patient is advised not to talk too much till the anesthesia wears off cause they won't feel the tongue and cheek


8) Is a cap needed post root-canal treatment?

A tooth with lost structure/ tooth treated with a root canal will be advised for a cap depending on the amount of tooth structure that is retaining

  • A cap gives better support and strengthens the tooth.
  • Helps the patient to chew properly and comfortably from that side.
  • Protects the tooth by reducing the chances of future infections.

9) What is the difference between root canal and filling?

Signs your tooth needs a filling or a Root Canal

Signs of filling:

  • Tooth has no pain.
  • The size and depth of the cavity are small.
  • No signs of swelling or pus concerning the tooth.
  • If the tooth has a good prognosis.

Signs of root canal:

  • Tooth has pain.
  • The size and depth of the cavity are very deep .
  • Signs of swelling or pus.

10) How to avoid Root canals?

You can avoid Root canals by

  • Making sure you get Cavities filled
  • Regular dental check-ups, so that we can find initial signs of cavities
  • Visit us if there is any food lodgement